When A Hygge Plan Fails

Remember when the insecure girl’s best friend used to be taking selfies from above to hide her double chin? Me too! RIP Summer 2017 but we have moved on to bigger and better things. As we all know if it’s not documented somehow on social media then every event in your life is irrelevant, so I imagine some of you will be glad to learn, that now all you must do is take a photograph wearing your fluffiest socks in front of an open fire. If you do not own an open fire you can replace the fire with the latest book you purchased when you were feeling inspired to eventually read a whole book.

The internet is filled with legions of fire wood chopping, blanket knitting, red wine drinkers just ready to inspire you to have a cosy night in. However, sometimes real life decides to step in and remind you it’s Tuesday, you have work in the morning and all you can afford is mini alcopops because it’s three weeks until payday and you are already broke. Never fear, for less than the price of fish and chips you can purchase a blossom hill, soft and fruity red and chances are you’ll find a bit of cash behind your couch where you never vacuum.

So, you have your inspiration and now you have your blossom hill wine, although you do owe the guy in the corner shop 17p but he says you can give it to him next time. Now to get settled and dive into the first chapter of your new book. The biggest problem with this is actually opening the book. I can scan a front and back cover for a good seven minutes but opening that guy up is a commitment I am making to myself to read every word. Well except for the introduction because nobody reads those do they?

If you are smart when you initially purchase your book you will make a note of if there is a movie/TV show option you can fall back on should you get a bit bored. If you are a genius you will watch a programme online first, go out and buy the book and claim you have read it and that you highly recommend it. You can even go as far to lend someone your copy! Bingo! Now you can’t read it, oh selfless little you. You could take up knitting but remember, your Grandma on your Mother’s side had arthritis in her two littlest fingers on her left hand so it’s probably best that you don’t bother. Watching television is probably the most practical thing to do, you grown up, you!

Food would make your evening twice as cosy, nothing says hygge like a full belly and the aroma of a freshly baked meal. Of course, if like me you have just cleaned your kitchen for the first time in a few weeks and like that you know longer have to balance items around the sink then it is probably best to order in. Pizza is always a good option, just make sure they throw some peppers on it, they are one of your five a day. So, you have your food, you have your drink and your entertainment for the evening.  Gosh I wish I could adult like you, you’re a star!

Don’t forget to take a quick photo! If it’s not on Instagram how will you prove to yourself it happened?



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