Everyone Else Is Aware Those Leaves Are Dead Though, Right?

There's something about autumn that touches all of our hearts. I can never put my finger on it exactly but just like you I can't help myself taking photos of the red and orange leaves I find scattered around. Everyone else is aware that those leaves are dead though, right? Don't get me wrong I enjoy jumping in a big pile of leaf corpses just as much as I did as a child but sometimes it does make me laugh how a simple change of the Seasons can change our entire outlook on life. In winter we focus on the barren land surrounding us and all the things we are grateful for that survived. In spring we celebrate the beauty of nature fighting its way through the soil to smile upon us once again. In summer we celebrate the sun in his richness, beaming down from the heavens to warm us all. Then in autumn, we go insane. We pumpkin spice the sh*t out of everything and convince ourselves that by sprinkling cinnamon on a big leaf wreath of death and pine cones is not only normal but productive! Have you ever picked up a shrivelled up old dead daisy or pansy and thought this would look great dunked in glitter glue and stuck on my front door? 

I recently visited a website called 50 fun fall activities. These ideas were hilarious. So, we have all the usual stuff, go out and pick your own fruit and vegetables (despite the fact that they actually pay people to do that and it's cold). Get lost in a corn maze. Anyone who has seen children of the corn or even the movie signs won't find this as enticing. Go for a hike, that's right walk around outside in the rain and the mud and the death. Go for a hay ride, sit on a pile of horse food that jabs into your skin whilst you go around in a big circle very slowly. My personal favourite is plant bulbs for next spring. I don't know about you but I know for me, the thing I want to do least at this time of year is go out into my wet and muddy garden and get filthy doing hard work that i won't see the results of until next April.

I continued Googling autumn activities when I fell upon the most hilarious list of things to do with dead leaves. DEAD LEAVES!! This is literally a site dedicated to activities you can do with your collection of corpses from around the neighbourhood. For fun let’s just replace the word leaves with corpses.

1. Listen to the sounds of the crunching corpses beneath your feet.

2. Collect corpses with your children for a nice big corpse collage to hang on your fridge. 

3. Collect corpses and display them in a glass bowl with pine cones. 

4. Press the corpses in a book so that you can preserve them forever!

5. Make lawn fertilizer with your corpses to help next year’s vegetables thrive! 

6. Collect corpses with your children and whilst supervising them, take turns throwing the corpses into the shredder. Fun fact:when corpses are shred into little pieces they decompose faster!

7. Have a thrilling day with the youngsters piling the corpses high and throwing your child into them where their fall will be softened by the corpses themselves. 

Personally, I love the fact that humans can find the positivity that surrounds us all at this time of year. Though nature is retreating and the Sun wanes out to die, this planet is still a very beautiful place. I think the bare trees remind us to look inside of ourselves and reflect on what it is that we are grateful for. I cannot tell you how grateful I am I found that website that tells you all that stuff to do with dead leaves, it really made my day! 

What are you grateful for? you leafy sicko's! 



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