Hygge Your Way Through That Time Of The Month
So, this one is primarily for the ladies but gents, you can
certainly get a few pointers here to help the women in your life.
When that time of the month falls upon us like a piano, hygge can
be one of the only things that can make us feel better. A heavy flow and lower
abdominal cramps can really put a dampener on your day…said no one ever!
because it’s much worse than that! It can totally ruin a week of your life.
Your eating habits change and so does your sleeping pattern. Getting up on time
for work is a nightmare with all the extra prep involved and you just want to
crawl into a pile of duvets resembling a giant dog bed.
I’m afraid I don’t have a magical way to switch all of your
responsibilities off so that you can hibernate (I would imagine if you give
them six months they will come up with an app for that) but I do have a list of
ways you can incorporate hygge into your period week to help the time go by a
little easier.
Track your cycle so that you know when your period will be due. A
few days before you are due pop to the shops and get supplies. You may not want
to leave the house and why should you have to? Only this week!
Prepare hearty meals with ingredients that don’t provoke period
pain. (Yes, diet makes a big difference!) Fill yourself up with nutrients so
you are less likely to binge on junk food which will cause more period pain.
Try not to drink alcohol either.
Get a nice hot water bottle to snuggle with. Not only will it keep
you warm and cosy but it will help with the cramping.
Herbal teas are a great way to slip into your hygge zone and they
also help with cramping.
Using certain aromatic essential oils and
massaging yourself or getting a partner to do it can also relieve menstrual
cramp pain. Be sure to dilute the oils first.
Have a nice, hot bath. The water has the
same effect as the heating pad but your back is also soothed at the same time.
Your whole body feels the warmth and you feel nice and clean, ready to slip on
your pyjamas and your husbands jumper and you are ready to go.
Something I have personally found very
interesting is this, one of my own ideas. I wondered if I created a mixture of
scents throughout my home, would my brain be so occupied trying to identify
them all that it would release on the pain and surely enough it did. Whenever
it’s that time of the month I pull out all the oil burners I own and scented
candles. Some I don’t even light. If I can get enough cosy scents going at
once, my brain literally forgets to be in pain.
Comfort food is a big one for a lot of
ladies, really do watch out though because what you put into your mouth
directly affects your body and the pain.
This one is for the Mother’s really, every
time you have your period, be sure to flick through your child’s ‘first year’
album. Remind yourself exactly what you can do with this powerful gift of life.
Reminding yourself of times when you have been grateful for a healthy period
and just what that means can really lift your spirits.
Watch movies and listen to music that
match your energy levels. Our hormones make us very sensitive during our period
and our mood can dip very easily. Something that affects this is our energy
levels. Try not to push yourself, you feel low and tired because you are low
and tired. Just because society says you are perfectly capable of going to work
doesn’t mean your body agrees. This isn’t to say you are useless when you are
on your period but everyone is capable of what they are capable of. Entertain
yourself with movies, music or a book that matches your current vibe. Indulge
in it, the more you allow yourself to just be the more natural you will feel
and your mood will lift. Watching John Travolta wiggle and Olivia Newton John
skipping around in the movie Grease when you have a migraine is never a good
Orgasms are a good way to alleviate period
pain. Hygge style sex can be extremely pleasurable and helps to take your mind
off the problem at hand anyway even if you don’t achieve your climax. If you
intend to get the job done yourself, make sure you take the time and effort to
create the hygge environment first. Just because you are alone doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t treat yourself to the same enjoyable experience you would a partner.
Don’t underestimate the importance of your
pets. Snuggling with the family pet is a great way to lift your spirits. Not
only does it feel good to be loved but your vibrational frequency will match theirs
and that is good because most domesticated pets are very happy in the right
Your children may trigger the same
response, however if you feel truly unwell it is always best to have someone
else watch the children if the option is open to you. Running around after
multiple toddlers is not the antidote for the period pain zombie virus.
So many aspects of hygge can be comforting
during your period, try them out, you might surprise yourself!
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