BULLET JOURNALS - A Way To Fail At Everything You Try And Look Artsy & Organised At The Same Time!

Bullet journalling, who doesn't love a bullet journal?  I have always been a fan of writing lists and ticking off things whenever I succeed so it is really no surprise that I am the proud owner of two LEUCHTTRUM1917 bullet journals.  Any self-respecting Sex and the City graduate hoping to form a better life for themselves needs to get their hands on one of these bad boys.  Not only is it a fantastic place for you to express all of your suppressed art skills that your 10th grade teacher didn't appreciate but you can also find extremely creative ways to set yourself ridiculously high and most often unreachable goals! Doesn't that seem like fun?

The beauty of the bullet journal, is that the majority of us accept the diverse way in which everyone wishes to uniquely create. That means you can literally write absolutely anything in this book as long as you photograph you're finished pages with a faux fur throw from the home furnishings and lighting section of The Range. They have a website too so you don't even have to get out of your pyjamas to order one. Yippee!!  (side note: I would recommend getting a fake arctic fox throw as there is some colouring in it and it will more easily hide red wine stains). 

So, what are bullet journals actually used for? No, seriously somebody tell me because mine are all over the place.  Just like the first day back at school, the first page of everyone's bullet journal is absolute perfection.  From the second page onward, things take a turn for the worse.  Now one of the things that makes these books seem so professional is the numbered pages. It's also one of the things that makes it so hard to go wrong because when you tear out a page your index no longer lines up.  We've all seen the YouTube videos and Instagram posts of the page at the back of everyone's bullet journal where they test out their pens to make sure that the ink is not transferring to the other side of the page.  No matter how many posts you like of this page idea however, it never seems to fully inspire you to create this page for yourself. I challenge you to try and find a first-time bullet journal owner whose page number three is not missing or so weighted down with glue and layers to hide mistakes.

Most bullet journalists start off with the right intention, to expand their knowledge on how best to perform as themselves.  It can be shopping lists, it can be weight loss diaries, it can be meal plans and it can even be an effective way to track your menstrual cycle...Apparently. What is it about drawing lavender bushes on page edges and trying to copy a font from Microsoft word without screwing it up that makes us feel so warm and cosy inside? My thoughts? It's a distraction, it's a distraction from the busy lives that we live in a society that makes it absolutely impossible for us to ever feel like we are succeeding. Think about it even when you earn a lot of money you're forced to feel guilty about your success because everyone else is struggling, who wouldn't want a distraction. 

With a bullet journal you can monitor and survey any area of your life that you wish, even areas that don't exist yet. Simply purchasing a bullet journal and actually starting it is a big step, the desire to  improve yourself is a big step. Whether you actually follow and achieve the things in your bullet journal sometimes seems irrelevant because the process of creation is such an outlet for so many adults that haven't had the chance to doodle and play and dream for years. Does the bullet journal itself possess the magical powers to change your life forever? I doubt it as it only costs £14.95 on eBay. However it may just help you feel inspired and find the courage deep down inside that you need to express and communicate with your true self...And potentially a bunch of strangers on the internet if you want to take pictures of it. 

Will you consistently bullet journal forever and ever? I think I sketched and scribbled for about three days in a row and then forgot I had it for about 37 days in a row. The point is the bullet journal will always be there for you when you are ready to be inspired and the best way to get inspired is to be inspiring. You can do it, believe in yourself and if you fail, chances are everyone else did too, they’re just being sneaky!



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